Our team, especially the Natural Resources Specialist, has the capability to provide environmental, historical and archaeological inventories and assessments. We have vast experience as well, in the preparation of mitigation plans and relative services.
One of the first steps of any preservation project must be knowing exactly what is present, determining its condition, and evaluating its treatment priority. Therefore, an assessment report (inventories, markers, trees, structures, etc.) if not existing shall be provided, when necessary, to ensure having the information on which to make sound decisions.
The repair of markers, monuments and ironwork requires previous experience with historical materials and treatments. Therefore, when necessary, environmental and historical research must be performed to provide not only background information, but may also help ensure that landscape activities, conservation treatments, and interpretation are all appropriate and accurate.
As part of the considerations regarding environment, the project has to comply with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) by means of minimization design and protocols. Also, it has to establish mitigation actions as response to adaptive management. As guidance, always apply best management practices. In addition, it is necessary to coordinate and comply with Intergovernmental (Commonwealth and Federal) Section and Agreements related to listed species.
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